If you want to use TinyMCE in Joomla! and its builtin "Insert/Edit code" feature, you need this plugin to have syntax highlighting on your site. SyntaxHighlighting is based on PRISM, but the necessary JScript and CSS files are not loaded after you close TinyMCE.
This plugin adds the necessary JScript and CSS files to your site.
Markup (HTML, XML...):
.myclass {
color: red;
echo "hurra" > bla
cat bla
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `b1avs_associations` (
`id` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the associated item.',
`context` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The context of the associated item.',
`key` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The key for the association computed from an md5 on associated ids.',
PRIMARY KEY (`context`,`id`),
KEY `idx_key` (`key`)
* @package Joomla.Plugin
* @subpackage Content.prismsyntaxhighlighte
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 Andre Hotzler. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
class plgContentprismsyntaxhighlighter extends JPlugin
public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $page = 0)
$regex = '/<pre class=".*language-.*>/i';
preg_match_all($regex, $article->text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($matches)
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
if ($app->isSite())
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base($pathonly=true).'/media/plg_content_prismsyntaxhighlighter/css/prism-' . $this->params->def('prismstyle','tinymce') .'.css');
$document->addScript(JURI::base($pathonly=true).'/media/plg_content_prismsyntaxhighlighter/js/prism-' . $this->params->def('prismtype','default') . '.js');
if ($this->params->def('prismloadlinenumbers','1')) {
If source code contains content that is similar to e-mail addresses, display problems may occur if e-mail cloaking is activated:
The solution is simple, just add at the top of the article:
Just add code to your content with TinyMCE and its "Insert/Edit code sample" feature
To use linenumbers, you have to manually edit your code and add "line-numbers" to the css-class of the <pre>-Element:
<pre class="line-numbers language-php">
To use additional languages, you insert you code as XHTML/XML tinymce.
After this you have to change the source code in tinymce by hand, because tinymce doesnt let you choose more than just a few languages.
To use SQL you change "language-markup" (Markup=XHTML/XML) to "language-sql":
and you to have to configure the plugin to "autoloader":
Autoloader doesnt work, if joomla is installed in a subdirectory, example.com/joomla/ for example. In this case you can use the option "all" or change the path in the file "prism-autoloader.js", you have to repeat this change with every update of the plugin.
Download PRISM (prismjs.com) SyntaxHighlighter for Joomla! here.
plg_content_prismsyntaxhighlighter on github
This Plugin "PRISM (prismjs.com) SyntaxHighlighter for Joomla" is released under the GPLv3 License, this plugin contains code from prismjs.com, released under the MIT-License.
Andrehotzler.de is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Joomla Project or Open Source Matters. The Joomla logo is used under a limited license granted by Open Source Matters the trademark holder in the United States and other countries
Flexheader3 expands the existing possibilities to show pictures or load css files for flexible styling of your website. Flexheader3 makes it possible to assign an image or css-file at any point in your website, it does not depend on menu entries.
This articles describes the installation of Flexheader3 in Joomla!