If you have an "older" (before 2017) Yamaha AV receiver, you should consider installing the latest firmware updates:
Yamaha is pleased to offer the following firmware update to ensure the best possible performance and latest features for your AV receiver.
This firmware includes
A switch from vTuner to airable.radio as the new internet radio service provider
Stability improvement"
Vtuner disappears (and with it your existing station list), instead Airable has been integrated, which is accompanied by a massive loss of comfort, for example the search for stations is only possible in a certain app of the manufacturer.
"Comfort Loss"?
First of all: Your existing channel list is gone after the update.
At Vtuner you could log in to the Vtuner website, search for stations and create playlists. I didn't find such a possibility with Airable.

This also applies to the definition of own stations, that was no problem with Vtuner, with Airable it does not work.
So the search has died to a large extent, because: You can only search for stations with the "Musiccast" app, but not on the device itself, not even in the web interface of the device, not even in the app "AV-Controller". The search possibility in the "Musiccast"-App was first brought to me by the support of Airable.

In the manual of the AV receivers there is no reference to Airable and the available possibilities, so it is difficult to find out that the search via MusicCast app is possible.

This puts Yamaha on my list of vendors to consider buying, because deleting features without helping the user make the switch is not acceptable.
One bright spot is the fast reacting support of Airable, but it's hard to console the sloppiness of Yamaha, namely the complete lack of documentation.
Translated with: https://www.deepl.com/translator